Programmes & Services
semper in ac aliquam.
Hospital Cornea Retrieval Programme
“Hospital based cornea retrieval programme (HCRP) refers to eye donation consented through proactive engagement with hospitals and donor families for eye donations.
The HCRP focuses on hospitals to retrieve corneal tissues because of several inherent advantages, such as availability of potential donors, their medical history, quality of cornea and reduction of time interval between death and corneal excision. It is also cost effective method of cornea retrieval.
Professionally-trained eye donation counselors approach family members with a request for eye donation after death of a patient in the hospital. HCRP is more efficient, scalable and provides higher utilization rate for corneas recovered. For grieving families too HCRP is a more suited method as patients are screened by well-trained counselors before the family is approach the family immediately for donation and based on medical condition of patient helps them in taking a quick decision.
Voluntary Donation
Pledge your Eyes
Here by I pledge to donate my eyes after my death for the purpose of transplanation, research and education.